Kitco News interviews PDAC president Glenn Mullan on the sidelines of the Precious Metals Summit in Beaver Creek, Colorado.  The mining sector along with current sentiment and opportunity are discussed.

“Mining is so cyclical. So, I think the one thing we can all agree on is that there are these fantastic times at peaks and then there are these devastating times in the troughs; and there is nothing that can be predicted inbetween. It’s the vagaries of the markets and supply-demand and commodity fluctuations and currencies and political risk and all of that.”

Mr. Mullan holds a B.Sc. (Geology) from Concordia University and has 41 years of experience in the mining and mineral exploration industries. He is the President, CEO, and Chairman of Golden Valley Mines.

Mullan Points to New Jurisdictions Opportunity in Mining Sector

Mullan thinks we are currently in an interesting time for mining as new jurisdictions open up.

Glenn Mullan says he’s ready to stop being ‘cautiously optimistic.’ Instead, he sees a positive outlook for the sector this year and beyond.

Mullan explains,

“The world needs metals. The world didn’t give up on economic development because of some of the challenges. When people think of the stress and the financial capacity they usually mean gold. And the mining industry is much bigger than just gold.”